
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Chapter-2, Sutra 36

Patanjali Yogasutra 2.36

सत्यप्रतिष्ठायां क्रियाफलाश्रयत्वम् ॥२.३६॥

"When one is firmly established in truthfulness, actions and their results become dependent upon them."

In this Sutra, Patanjali highlights the profound power of Satya or truthfulness. The term "सत्यप्रतिष्ठायां" refers to being firmly established in Truth, not merely speaking the truth but embodying truthfulness in thoughts, words, and deeds. Patanjali suggests that when a person is so deeply rooted in Truth, their words and actions attain a power that aligns with universal law, such that whatever they speak or intend manifests as the truth in the world. This reflects the idea that Truth is not just a moral virtue but a force that shapes Reality itself.

The concept of "क्रियाफलाश्रयत्वम्" refers to actions (क्रिया) and their outcomes or results (फल). According to this Sutra, when a person is firmly established in truthfulness, their actions become effective, and the outcomes align seamlessly with their intentions. This happens because their inner truthfulness resonates with the cosmic order, making their actions more potent and their words capable of influencing Reality. Patanjali emphasizes that Truth is not just a principle to be followed but a transformative force that empowers one's actions and words.

This Sutra also underlines the spiritual maturity required to reach such a state where one's inner truth aligns perfectly with outer actions, leading to harmony between intention and result. It suggests that truthfulness is not just about avoiding falsehood but about cultivating an inner purity and integrity that is so strong it naturally brings about desired outcomes. It reflects the yogic understanding that inner spiritual qualities have direct effects on the external world, and that by cultivating truthfulness, one gains control over the results of their actions.

Swami Vivekanand said:

"When this power of Truth will be established with you, then even in dream you will never tell an untruth, in thought, word or deed; whatever you say will be Truth. You may say to a man "Be blessed," and that man will be blessed. If a man is diseased, and you say to him, "Be thou cured," he will be cured immediately."

Comparison with Similar Verses from Vedic Texts:

Mundaka Upanishad 3.1.6

सत्यमेव जयते नानृतं सत्येन पन्था विततो देवयानः ।  
येनाक्रमन्त्यृषयो ह्याप्तकामा यत्र तत् सत्यस्य परमं निधानम् ॥३.१.६॥

"Truth alone triumphs, not falsehood. Through truth, the Divine path is spread out by which the sages, whose desires have been completely fulfilled, reach the Supreme Treasure of Truth."

This verse from the Mundaka Upanishad aligns with Patanjali's emphasis on truthfulness. It speaks to the power of Truth as the path to Ultimate Reality, where those who adhere to truth can reach the highest spiritual goals. Just as Patanjali suggests that truthfulness brings about desired outcomes, this verse suggests that truth is the guiding principle that leads to ultimate liberation.

Mahabharata 141.66

सत्यं हि परमं धर्मं सत्यं हि परमं तपः ।  
सत्यं हि परमं ब्रह्म सत्यात् नास्ति परं पदम् ॥१४१.६६॥

"Truth is the highest duty, Truth is the highest austerity, Truth is the highest Brahman; there is no greater Reality than Truth."

This verse from the Mahabharata elevates Truth to the highest level of spiritual practice, aligning with Patanjali's teachings. It asserts that Truth is not just a virtue but the essence of Brahman, the Ultimate Reality. This idea complements Patanjali’s assertion that a firm establishment in Truth aligns one's actions with cosmic order.

Yoga Vashishta 6.1.14

सत्यं शिवं सुन्दरं चैतन्यं सत्यं परं पदम् ।  
सत्यसारं हि यत् सर्वं तच्चित्रमिव दृश्यते ॥६.१.१४॥

"Truth, Shiva, and beauty are the Supreme Reality. Consciousness is Truth, and Truth is the Ultimate State. Everything rooted in Truth is perceived as a reflection of that Supreme Reality."

In the Yoga Vashishta, Truth is described as synonymous with the highest forms of existence, such as Shiva, beauty, and Consciousness. This reinforces Patanjali's notion that Truth is not only a moral principle but also a fundamental characteristic of Reality itself, influencing how the world is perceived and interacted with.

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Chapter-3, Sutra 23

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